2018 // A Year in Review magazine

With deep honor and delight, I am excited to share my year-end review process – as a prototype magazine. I’ve felt the deep need for immersive storytelling of the collective that we are all a part of, yet have yet to see manifest! My hope is that this serves as a prototype of the type of content artifacts that will further evolve our community and what we know is possible when we share our work generously and weave our dharma in a generative remix. May it inspire you to synthesize your work and seek to bring deeper meaning to your daily, annual, decade view of your lives.

Kissing goodbye an epic 2017, inviting in a deeply transformative and powerful 2019 to you all.

Gracious gratitude and reverence for the bright lights that you are. We’re doing it, together.


Deep bow,

// Ting //

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A Letter to the Reader

Beloved Reader,

I create this out of humility and deeply broken heart. A feeling of emptiness and not knowing. I am emptied, and yet I am whole. There is no where to go when you have given up everything I’ve known, and turned towards the great unknown. 

It has been a year of death and rebirth, of deep healing and reprogramming, and of finding my own sense of home within myself. The forces of Kali were strong (4 near death accidents), uprooting from my home and sense of security, and moving lightly with a small suitcase wherever God called me. I cried and wept on the ground more times than I can count. I sweat my prayers in physical training and cleansed my diet to come into cleaner awareness. I said a lot more “NOs” than I ever have. The divine orchestration and synchronicities brought me to tears of awe and wonder. I befriended the darkness, and lay under the stars many nights, asking bigger questions. 

It is supremely challenging for me to try to summarize what I have experienced this year in words while speaking from a perspective that is in service to you, which has made this process very interesting for me this year — so much that I’ve taken the last month to devote to digesting, reviewing, synthesizing, editing, ritualizing, burning away — before I could begin to write this version for you here. I acknowledge that there may still be residual aspects of my bias, identity and ego wrapped in this, but know that it is my intention to share this out of my love for humanity and a divine call to share the inner treasures that have been cultivating internally deeply, and often, painfully. There is sweat, tears, and many prayers put into this — so I ask that you respect it and receive it with your whole self.

This year, I decided to share my process with a group of 20 friends in a group I called Nightingale to move through the process in solidarity and also in the hopes that my process could serve others in their integration and awakening journey. I codified my own internal process that I’ve done for the past 3 years into an “online learning journey” on a microsite for a self-guided process that each person could take in their own pace and environment. We held three group Zoom calls, and I guided people through the process by sharing the ups and downs of my own process, and cultivated a community of practice through Whatsapp. I gained innumerable insights from the facilitation process and how to improve, from learning about communication, information architecture, learning and development processes, and how we each gain exactly what we put in and exactly what we need. We experienced profound magic in the collective field (we all were crying for 30 min on our second call together), and surprised ourselves with the profoundness of the depth of the process and how much we each gained from it. 

I am left humbled, surrendered, and completely open to what lays before us in 2019. I have the utmost gratitude for everyone who has participated, supported and even acknowledged the depth of this process and I bow to you for the heartmind warriorship you have undergone to bring you to this point. 

May the magic of the year ahead guide you in your journeys of awakening to Love.

Deep bow of recognition and resonance,

// Ting ~

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